These crunchy coconut cookies are a Latin America delicacy that are so addictive!
Each year, my kids' elementary school does a world museum day for all the families to attend. Each grade does a different type of project to celebrate the world and history. Third and fourth graders usually prepare a quick presentation on a country. My daughter had Chile last year and she wanted to prepare a food to go with her presentation. She chose a coconut cookie and we hunted the internet to find a recipe for it.
I could have sworn they were called coconadas but it seems I was wrong. They are called Cocadas. They are super easy to make and they are ridiculously difficult to stop eating. I made a test batch and they disappeared. Then we made a triple batch and quartered them for perfect sampling size. Everyone who came through for her presentation loved it. Her class wanted her to bring another batch to school the next day! I was honestly really surprised because coconut can be a hit or miss most of the time.
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